Common winter weather issues
A few challenges can occur when operating diesel equipment in winter weather. The most common issues include:
- Thick engine oil: When engine oil thickens, friction is increased, creating resistance between moving parts. Your engine will need more energy to run, which can lead to a drop in your engine's efficiency.
- Battery drainage: As temperatures drop, your battery capacity lowers. This can prevent the engine from cranking fast enough.
- Fuel gelling: #2 diesel fuel contains paraffin wax, which stays liquid at normal temperatures. When temperatures plunge, the wax solidifies and forms into larger crystals within the fuel. These crystals inevitably clog the filter and keep fuel from reaching the engine.
- Fuel freezing: Like gelling, icing also plugs filters up but with ice crystals, meaning water is present in your fuel and fuel filter.
How to deal with winter weather issues
The best way to prevent fuel gelling and freezing is to use a winterized diesel fuel with an additive that helps prevent gelling. For example, blend your #2 diesel with #1 diesel. If a #1 diesel is added to your storage tank without proper blending techniques, like blending 15 degrees above the fuel's cloud point, the winterized fuel can be negatively impacted. This results in the fuel not being properly mixed, affecting its overall cold-temperature properties.
3 tips to using winterized diesel fuel
There are a few tips for optimizing winterized diesel fuel and helping keep your operability at an all-time high, including:
- Low-temperature operability:
You should utilize winterized premium diesel fuel for even more protection. Cenex® Wintermaster® is specially formulated to withstand the most unforgiving winter conditions with an operability of -30 degrees Fahrenheit. - Reducing filter plugging:
Changing your fuel filter before the temperatures plunge can help remove any contaminants. For mild weather conditions and transitional seasons, you can also use a 70/30 blend of #2 and #1 diesel, along with a cold flow improver (CFI). A CFI additive alters the wax structure of the paraffin wax crystals in diesel fuel, enabling the paraffin wax to pass through the fuel filter. For an even better solution, use Cenex Roadmaster XL® and Ruby Fieldmaster® Seasonally Enhanced premium diesel fuel. - Providing reliable engine performance:
Cenex® winterized premium diesel fuels are designed to keep your equipment performing, even in the coldest temperatures. Our cold-weather premium diesel additives provide improved low-temperature operability and help prevent filter plugging, ensuring reliable engine and fuel system performance when you need it most.
Winter is hard on diesel equipment. Keep your engines running with Cenex winterized premium diesel fuels. Connect with us to learn more.
Cenex keeps engines running
With a history spanning over 90 years, the Cenex brand offers more than fuel solutions—we offer peace of mind. Our expertise in petroleum refining, lubricant blending and propane supply translates into a reliable and safe energy source for you. This means your business is supported by a legacy of quality, delivered by a community of local distributors dedicated to your success. Cenex is committed to providing high-quality fuels with exceptional service to improve the lives of our farmers and customers every day.