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Heating your home, cooking your food and running your car all require an energy source. Often, that energy comes from electricity or gasoline, but did you know you can also power many of these activities with propane?

Whether you have a new home that’s heated by propane or are looking into a propane-powered personal vehicle or generator, propane can be a new energy source for many. To ensure seamless operation for the propane-powered things in your life, check out these key terms and characteristics to familiarize yourself with this efficient energy alternative.

• Propane (or LP gas)

Propane is a carbon-based gas that is combusted for energy use. It’s also known as liquified petroleum gas (LPG) or liquid propane (LP).


• Autogas

Propane used as fuel in vehicles is called autogas. It’s often used as an alternative to diesel or gasoline in cars, buses, trucks and fleet vehicles. Special vehicles can run on both gasoline and autogas. This type of engine starts using gasoline and switches over to propane, allowing for long driving distances. Autogas used in this type of application is known as bi-fuel.


• Look & Smell

Propane is an odorless and colorless gas. Since you can’t see or smell propane in its natural state, manufacturers purposefully add a rotten egg smell to propane for easy detection in the event of a leak.

• Propane Expandability

Similar to water, propane expands when it’s hot and contracts in the cold. To safely account for this expansion, it is recommended that propane tanks are only filled to about 80 percent capacity.

• Long Shelf Life

Propane almost never goes bad. As long as it’s stored properly, no matter how long it sits in your tank or propane-powered generator, it will always be there for you when you need it.

• BTU (British Thermal Units)

Scientifically, BTU is the amount of energy required to raise one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit at sea level. The higher the BTU, the more powerful the appliance.

• Automated Delivery

Propane tanks should always be filled and maintained by professionals. One way to make this extra convenient is to work with your local Cenex® propane supplier to set up automated delivery to ensure your supply will meet your needs.


Now that you know a little more about what propane is and the key terms used surrounding it, you’re ready to put it to safe use for HEATING, COOKING and play. Find your NEAREST PROPANE SUPPLIER and discuss automated propane delivery with them today.