Whether you are preparing for planting season, harvest or anything in between, investing in bulk fuel storage can decrease your expenses while boosting your operation’s efficiency. Having quality premium diesel fuel available when you need it will reduce downtime and improve productivity. The following tips can help you reap the rewards of bulk fuel storage and trim your bill in the process.
- Buy at the best price. As the demand for fuel is constantly changing due to distinct needs within different seasons, so does its price. Diesel fuel has a six- to 12-month shelf life, so a little planning ahead can pay off. Bulk storage tanks give farmers the flexibility to stock up when fuel prices are low, then rely on their own supply during price spikes.
- Secure your supply. Farm fuel demand has the tendency to fluctuate throughout the year, and at times fuel delivery may take longer than normal. By right-sizing to a larger bulk tank, farmers can maintain as much fuel as they need right onsite, eliminating the need to worry about refills or additional trips into town. If you are unsure about your storage tank needs, reach out to your local Cenex® representative.
Bottom line: Bulk fuel tank storage puts more power in a farmer’s hands by providing a storage solution that saves money and increases efficiency. When storing premium diesel, like Cenex Ruby Fieldmaster®, you can rest easy knowing the fuel will remain clean and ready to use when you need it with its enhanced formula that is driven by a powerful precision-blended additive package. The superior chemistry contains an industry-leading two-phase total water management system and advanced, aggressive detergency to maintain fuel integrity from delivery to combustion, thereby ensuring superior performance. One of Cenex premium diesel fuels key benefits is its storage stability that reduces varnish and gum buildup, increases injector life, and optimizes combustibility while maximizing overall performance.